Anyone else taking はなぶさ先生 again next semester for the second part of "first year Japanese?" Just thought I would throw this out there to see if everyone is returning for some more 日本語。
I hope everyone is having a good Thanksgiving break, I love all the food!
I hope everybody had a great halloween! I know I had a fun time... I decided to dress up as a UPS delivery man (I will post a picture later). What were all of you for halloween?
Just like our せんせい I am a big fan of the baseball player イチロー. I think it is because I have always enjoyed the Japanese culture and have been to Japan. Regardless, I always am cheering for him to do well and have enjoyed watching his very impressive career. I have been to multiple games that he has played in and even got a baseball from him. I was yelling イチローさん。
When I was in eighth grade I took an exchange trip to Izumi City, Japan. Right outside Osaka. I stayed with a family of 3 for about a week and went to school with their daughter. Ever since then I wanted to learn something different than the traditional Spanish or French. I wanted to learn a unique language and potentially be able to use it someday in Japan. I am excited to get started and start conversing in the language, though I am nervous about the troubles that come with learning a new language. I know it is hardwork, but I am looking forward to the challenge.